Most of the parents are fail to find out the exact symptoms of cerebral palsy in their child. Here is cerebral palsy awareness program is require to educate parents about their child or cerebral palsy. Accurate cerebral palsy diagnosis is only made using the help of cerebral palsy specialist of doctor.
Some of the symptoms that parents should keenly watch out for in their child are lack of alertness or even lethargy when it comes to response. Irritability is another factor that needs to be kept in mind. Children with cerebral palsy tend to cry loudly with a voice level that is high-pitched and unusually abnormal. Trembling of the arms and legs is visible and they do have feeding habits that are poor. This happens because their throat muscles prevent them from swallowing and sucking with ease because these are also affected. The baby will prefer lying on one side only and would show no signs of turning to the other side. The child will experience body twitches, and even show signs of seizures.
The infant will show signs of changes in muscle tones like going from being extremely stiff to floppy. It is only by six months that the baby shows full signs of this disorder and it really becomes obvious to the mother that something is terribly wrong with her child.
It is advised that medical help be taken at once so that the disorder is diagnosed early but often than not doctors fail to make an early cerebral palsy diagnosis Most doctors are of the opinion that in event of brain damage in an infant it is believed that the brain being very tender it has the capacity to replace the damaged cells. Treatment for cerebral palsy is yet to make good grounds, as no single treatment for cure is available yet. Parents have to accept that their child has cerebral palsy and think of ways to help their child cope with it as they grow up.