Concerned a child with this disorder have difficulties, maintain a normal life as he or she, has not control over their motor skills depending on the extent of the damage on the specific area of the brain. Permanent brain damage, goes to a child during pregnancy or at birth severely affect the child, causing great loss of many skills, which carried out essential for the correct functioning body to human activities. The decline in the growth of the brain the problem of communication between the brain and body. So, this is one of the main reasons for the so-called cerebral palsy.
There are 4 types of cerebral palsy:
1. Spastic cerebral palsy
Spastic cerebral palsy is characterized by muscle rigidity and difficult movements. Is the most common form of cerebral palsy, impact on 70 to 80% of patients.
2. Athetoid cerebral palsy
It is characterized by muscle involuntary and uncontrolled movement, including tacking or slow movements. This disease affects about 10% to 20% of patients.
3. Ataxic cerebral palsy
It is characterized by disturbed sense of balance and depth performance. The disease affects about 5% to 10% of patients.
4. Mix cerebral palsy
It is characterized by a combination of the above forms of cerebral palsy. However, the most common form of the mixture can a combination of spastic and Athetoid characteristics.
Here are some causes of the cerebral palsy disorder:
- Consumption of alcohol and toxic chemicals during pregnancy
- Genetic diseases
- Infections during pregnancy or childbirth
- RH incompatibility
- Low birth weight and preterm labour
- Malnutrition
- The mother's illness
- Multiple pregnancies
- Asphyxia and hypoxia
- Jaundice, encephalitis, epilepsy, or accidents
- Many other causes.
- It is advisable that parents of children, their children to brain take physics, specialized doctors in this area. There are a number of ways to help children with the disease.