Cerebral palsy symptoms varies from patient to patient. This condition occur due to some changes or damages in brain that control motor functions of body. It may occur during pregnancy, before birth or after birth of child. It is non progressive permanent condition that restricts control of normal posture and movements.
There are many cerebral palsy symptoms which create problems in motor functions and some problem are more serious for person or children that they can not able to walk and stand without taking some else help. In most of the cases cerebral palsy problem affect skeletal and muscular development. There are often skeletal deformities that make normal movement impossible. It is mostly involves spasms, loss of balance control, movements control, facial gestures controls and many other problems.
Toe walking and Scissor walking are common cerebral palsy symptoms. These issues with motor function can be mild or more severe. Some individuals with this condition can still function and get around, while others are rendered helpless. Depending on the location of the damage to the brain, there are some individuals with cerebral palsy that are affected by only one side of the body. If the brain's right side is damaged, then this result in the left side of the body having limited freely movement issues.
Newborns with severe cerebral palsy has no normal attitude. You can be excessively movable or immovable property in certain parts of the body. Depends on the severity of the disease. The symptoms can change, if a child is older. Some babies show any symptoms immediately. For those who are not, the symptoms usually immediately show characters from nine months.
Other symptoms may include epilepsy and other communication disorders. Some symptoms may be eating disorders, sensory impairments, mental retardation and behavioral disorders sometimes. A person that the speech will sound affected usually dragged. This is one of many of the symptoms of this condition frustrating.
Another common symptom is uncontrollable tremors of the limbs on one side of the body. This is called hemiparetic tremors. If it's too hard, which can shake severely penalize the movement. With cerebral palsy, very dense muscles to stretch its and it's not good. Muscles can actually attract more disease progression over time. Is usually the arms. Another common cerebral palsy sign is difficulty in swallowing. People with cerebral palsy, to control the problems about the movements of his tongue and mouth have problems eating and drinking. You also have a tendency to drool.
Symptoms of cerebral palsy are undetectable, sometimes until the child reaches a certain age. The common symptoms include mental retardation, impaired vision, uncontrollable seizures and motor mouth and tongue problems. This is a terrible condition, has no cure. Not much is known about the cause, but there are a few medications available to individuals, to manage the involuntary movements.
Trishla Foundation is one of the best cerebral palsy diagnosis, therapy and cerebral palsy surgery treatment center in India. Dr. Jitendra kumar jain is one of the most popular orthopedic surgeon and cerebral palsy specialist in India. There are lots of cerebral palsy affected children parents comes every year for better cerebral palsy treatment and CP management from different countries like different states from India, Nepal, Burma, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Oman, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Jordan, etc.