Thursday, 27 September 2018

निःशुल्क सेरिब्रल पाल्सी शिविर त्रिशला फाउंडेशन के द्वारा दिनांक 5 अक्टूबर और 6 अक्टूबर को सीतामढ़ी और मोतिहारी बिहार में, (Free Cerebral Palsy Camp on 5th and 6th October by Trishla Foundation)

cerebral palsy

त्रिशला फाउंडेशन (Trishla Foundation) विश्व सेरिब्रल पाल्सी दिवस (World Cerebral Palsy Day) के अवसर पर फ्री सेरिब्रल पाल्सी कैंप (Free Cerebral Palsy Camp) का आयोजन कर रहा है |  

क्या आपके बच्चे को 

  • बैठने, खड़े होने एवं चलने फिरने में असमर्थ है ?
  • हाथ या पैर अधिक अकड़े या ढीले हो गए है ?
  • मेनिंगोमलोसिस  से ग्रसित है?
  • हाथो या पैरो में तिरछापन या किसी प्रकार का छोटापन है ?
  • घुटने झुके है, हाथ कम काम करता है?

सेरिब्रल पाल्सी (Cerebral Palsy) एवं अन्य बाल अस्थि रोगो के इलाज की अत्याधुनिक तकनीकों के द्वारा प्रसिद्व हास्य कलाकार जय छनियारा सहित 6000 से अधिक बच्चो को चलने फिरने के काबिल बनाने वाले प्रसिद्व वरिष्ठ बाल अस्थि रोग एवं सेरिब्रल पाल्सी विशिष्यज्ञ डॉ. जित्नेद्र कुमार जैन निःशुल्क परामर्श (Free Consultation) एवं नई तकनीकी इलाज (Advance Treatment) के लिए संपर्क करे | 

cerebral palsy specialist

Trishla Foundation

Thursday, 20 September 2018

Diplegic Cerebral Palsy With MR Managed By Surgery and Therapy

cerebral palsy treatment

Children with cerebral palsy need very care full planning and dedicated effort from all side including therapist surgeon and parents. but if the child has an intellectual disability along with physical issue then it became a very tough job to get a good outcome. No one knows that the child will cooperate in the therapy program or not. we have to make a plan according to their need and work along with child in a very sympathetic manner. this child who don't have any independent walking before coming to Trishla Foundation started independent walking after 3 months of surgery followed by therapy. thanks to his mother for sharing their experience and important message given for others.

Trishla Foundation is the best center for cerebral palsy diagnosis, cerebral palsy therapy and cerebral palsy surgery treatment center in India. This foundation becomes No.1 NGO for cerebral palsy treatment in India. Many families from different counties came at Trishla Foundation for better cerebral palsy treatment and management CP in their children.

Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Sleeping Disorder in Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy affects a group of nervous system functions causing significant issues in their life. These neurological disorders contribute in many problems that a child has to face like not being able to walk, eat or even sleep. Cerebral palsy and sleep disorders go hand in hand with each other and are a key issue that both the parent and the affected child face. Not only this, the child will have other problems like seizures and motor development that can cause discomfort while sleeping.

Cerebral palsy usually affects infants or children below 2 years of age. Every parent looks forward to the time that the infant will fall asleep because it is only then that they can rest. Though children with cerebral palsy are same as the other children, whether they will sleep or not depends on the condition they are in. Children with cerebral palsy will have varying degree of sickness in them and it is unique with every child. The condition and problems that your child has may or may not be there in the other child. Similarly, whether your child will sleep at night or not depends on the condition of your child.

However, most of the times infants do sleep for 6-7 hours without interruption and if at all the child wakes up it will be because of hunger or wetness or bad position. The child will have to be attended to at these situations and if there is someone to respond to their needs, there won't be much problem. But as the child grows, there can be lot of sleeping disorders that will be noticed. Seizures being the most common neurological disorder that a child with cerebral palsy will face, the sleep cycle is usually disturbed. This needs adequate treatment since sleep plays an important role in any individual's daily activities. Hence, a diagnosis of the child will be required depending on which the treatment will be suggested.

In a normal sleep, a child will toss and turn throughout the night. For children with cerebral palsy, this movement can be painful due to their low motor skills and muscular issues. Physical therapy will be suggested to develop the motor skills and suitable medication is suggested to control seizures during sleep. If these are taken care of, a child has better chances of sleeping in the night without any sleep problems.

Sleeping disorders should be given due importance and treated by giving medications that include light sedatives or melatonin. Sleeping disorders can give rise to many other problems like depression, irritability, behavioral issues and health problems which will further complicate the life of a child. As the child grows, he has to be continually examined and treatment should be altered according to the changes in the child. With such cerebral palsy training, the child will learn to adapt to the different problems that can occur. In this way, the child will learn to lead a fairly normal life and with appropriate cerebral palsy treatment and devices, they can develop motor skills too. In this way, the child will sleep more peacefully!

Thursday, 5 July 2018

Cerebral Palsy Success Story - Malawi Africa Girl Got Cerebral Palsy Treatment Successfully at Trishla Foundation

Children with cerebral palsy along with MR is very difficult to manage. If a child have sever issues in sensory processing then treatment planning became more complicated. Ms Sheryl N Gunga  came from Malawi, East Africa with her family to Trishla foundation in August  2017 with the GMFCS-5 cerebral palsy, mental retardation & sever sensory processing problem. She undergone surgery for her fix foot deformity followed by intensive therapy and sensory modulation. within three months has shown an excellent outcome. When she cam she don't respond to any stimuli but with sensory modulation & traing she started walking with support, speaking a few words and responding to all kind of stimuli. She gone back to their country in January first week with good recovery. Thanks to her parents for sharing their experience at Allahabad.

Read the complete story here: Cerebral Palsy Malwai Africa

Friday, 29 June 2018

What You Need to Know If Your Cerebral Palsy Child Suffers a Stroke

The image most people get when they hear about a stroke is that of an adult, usually older, with the resulting paralysis and cognitive issues. But strokes can also happen to children, infants and even the unborn fetus. In the United States, stroke ranks number 15 as the cause of death in children ages 0-14. Pediatric stroke also increases the risk that a child may develop cerebral palsy. If a child has suffered a stroke, with early detection and treatment, the chances for further damage and recurrence can be minimized.

In short, a stroke is the sudden death of brain cells in a localized area due to inadequate blood flow. There are two common types of strokes: hemorrhagic and ischemic. A hemorrhagic stroke is the bursting of a blood vessel within the brain. An ischemic stroke is the result of an obstruction or clot within an artery that inhibits proper blood flow to the brain. Children are equally susceptible to each type.

Heart conditions and blood disorders are known risk factors that can contribute to the increased susceptibility for stroke. For instance, children with sickle cell disease (SCD) are most at risk for ischemic stroke, usually occurring around the age 5. Children suffering from hemophilia or AVM (Arteriovenous Malformation) are more at risk for a hemorrhagic stroke. The greatest risk for pediatric stroke comes in the first year of child's life.

Children, especially those under the age of 3, most likely lack the communication skills required to let you know they need help. Therefore when it comes to infants, parents and other care givers must be especially vigilant to warning signs such as a seizure, as it could indicate a stroke. If a child is of the age where he or she is walking and or talking, the development of a slur, noticeable imbalance or blurred visions could be symptomatic of a stroke.

If a child has been diagnosed as having had a stroke, as with anything, the sooner treatment and therapy begins, the more favorable the results. There are medications that prevent blood clotting in children and surgeries aimed at reducing abnormal blood pressure within the brain. Dealing with stroke in a child is different than with an adult. Consult a pediatric neurosurgeon for the best course of action.

Hemiplegia (paralysis to one side of the body) and hemiparesis (a less severe weakened state to one side of the body) are common results of stroke to persons of all ages. In children, whose brain is still in development, stroke can result in the development of spastic hemiplegia cerebral palsy. Spastic hemiplegia cerebral palsy results in the full or partial paralysis to one side of the body. Hyperactivity, delayed walking, unexplained aggressiveness, epilepsy, seizures, speech impairments are among the challenges that these children could face.

As with other forms of cerebral palsy, there are treatment options and physical therapies available to improve the child's issues of mobility and overall quality of life. Pediatric stroke can be a terrifying event in the life of a child and his family. While some may face long-term challenges, most go on to live rewarding and healthy lives.

Monday, 18 June 2018

Cerebral Palsy Disorder In Infant

When cerebral palsy comes to infant then it may take a number of years to deduct the cerebral palsy symptoms and in most rare case it should be an important child should need to reach the age of 3.  Most of the time, it is more difficult to diagnosis cerebral palsy before this age. 

In the current scenario, cerebral palsy is categories into two parts known as Acquired cerebral palsy and congenital cerebral palsy.
Acquired Cerebral Palsy

This will occur in around 20% of all infants who suffer from this disorder and will normally have been gotten after the child has been born. This particular form of the disorder can be caused in a number of ways. The main causes are through an injury to their head or through them suffering from an infection in their brain such as bacterial meningitis both of which will result in damage occurring to the brain.

Congenital Cerebral Palsy

Of the two types of this disorder, a child can suffer from this is the more common. But with this particular form of the disorder, it takes it some time before it can be detected. Often there has been damaged caused to the motor areas of the child's brain and this can be caused by various different things.

One of the main ways that an infant will end up suffering from cerebral palsy is that they have suffered from an infection or damage has been caused to their brain whilst still in the womb. Furthermore, during the actual labor and delivery stages, a child could incur damage to the brain at this time and this will further increase the risk of them suffering from this disorder. Whilst another way in which an infant could end up suffering from cerebral palsy is if they contract jaundice and the condition is left untreated.

But unlike some other disorders including MS, this is not a deteriorative one so as the child grows up their condition will not get any worse. But for some children, their parents may notice that their motor skills and development seems to deteriorate over time and when this occurs, their doctor will carry out further to tests in order to find what other things could be causing this to happen.

Although there is, no cure for infant cerebral palsy there are many treatments, which are now, used that can help to reduce the symptoms that they suffer from. But how effective and successful the treatments are that your doctor and team of health specialists choose will depend upon the severity of the disorder. In many cerebral palsy infants can live their proper life using proper medications and treatment from the cerebral palsy doctor and specialist. 

Friday, 1 June 2018

Kid With Diplegic Spastic Cerebral Palsy: Success Story Of Trishla Foundation

Multimodal intensive therapy is mandatory in early age child with cerebral palsy to get a good outcome. Most of the parents wast their time in un-useful routine exercise and lastly, children do not get good milestone at their age. These children need task-oriented exercise after detail assessment. when you provide good quality therapy to the child along with training of parents then these children start showing an unbelievable response within a short time. Thanks to Father of Riyansh for sharing their experiences and very informative message to parents of CP children. visit for more info.

Trishla Foundation is a No.1 NGO for cerebral palsy diagnosis, cerebral palsy therapy and cerebral palsy surgery treatment in India.  This foundation gives new life to more than 15000 children affected with cerebral palsy, orthopaedic, limb deformity and other physical disability problem.

If you have any query then contact Dr. Jitendra Kumar Jain at Trishla Foundation, the best cerebral palsy treatment centre in India.

Friday, 6 April 2018

Numerous Benefits Of Exercises For Cerebral Palsy Children

Cerebral palsy exercises bring numerous benefits for people suffering from this disorder. Primarily it helps in increasing the body energy, brings down the stress and produces various good feelings. These exercises also make such patients to participate in the community as well as in individual activities. It reduces the level of anxiety and helps in maintaining lung and heart efficiency. The body flexibility and the mobility increase gradually. It also strengthens the bone and balances the body weight and hence reduces the number of risks of various chronic diseases. The potential chronic diseases are high blood pressure or osteoporosis. In fact cerebral palsy exercises should be a routine of every patient suffering from the cerebral palsy disorder. One should consult a therapist in order to help his patient child to practice such exercises and do it regularly on his own. You can also enroll your child in various fitness programs along with making him practice suitable exercises.

For young children suffering from this disorder, cerebral palsy exercises would turn out to be extremely beneficial and effective. Gym classes or the movement practices would make them blossom everyday and improve the level of confidence in them. Though you would require a trainer to train your child in initial days but later on your child would learn to practice those exercises or the activities on his own without help of an instructor. But you should be careful enough to observe that your child is being trained properly which helps reduce the pain of his body. Make sure that your child's muscle tone is increasing gradually due to these physical exercises practiced by him on a regular basis. Only a physical trainer can help you find out the suitable exercise program for your child with cerebral palsy. Hence approach the right trainer always. Swimming is one of the other activities which also would help your child increase his muscle tone.

No matter what you decide upon as your chosen form of exercises, make sure of two things. First, ensure that whatever you are doing is going to be low-impact. Whatever else can be said for CP, it is primarily a muscular degenerative disorder, and patients will be easily injured. Low-impact exercise ensures that you will be OK. Second, make sure that the primary benefit of the activity is in muscle building. Cycling, for instance, is a good cardio exercise and does build some muscle, but before long, it will only be a cardio exercise, and the muscle-building benefits will be nullified.

Trishla Foundation Best Centre For Cerebral Palsy Treatment India

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Introduction about spastic cerebral palsy

Cerebral Palsy is not curable, non-progressive, a non-contagious disorder of body movement, muscle rigidity or posture caused by either injury or abnormal development of the immature brain prior to, during or in the first few years following childbirth. There are four general types of cerebral palsy: spastic, ataxic, dyskinetic and athetoid. While the damage to the brain does not get worse over time, the impact on the body usually does.

Spastic cerebral palsy is by far the most prevalent type affecting approximately 70-80% of all people diagnosed with the disorder. In simple terms, for people with spastic cerebral palsy, the electronic signals from the brain to the body's muscle system is compromised. This neuromuscular mobility impairment is known as being hypertonic. Healthy muscles function in pairs to help the body move and perform tasks. As one muscle contracts, its partner relaxes. Normal muscles have enough tone to maintain posture and fluid, the flexible movement against the forces of gravity. The disorder of spastic CP causes both muscles to contract simultaneously, hampering movement and putting undue tension on the muscles. Over a period of time, the constant contraction of the muscles can lead to muscle and joint deformities, an inhibition of movement, longitudinal growth and protein synthesis in muscle cells.

Spastic CP may affect only a small number of muscles or muscle groups or by widespread throughout the body.

Spastic monoplegia is when only one part of the body is affected. 
Spastic hemiplegia is when one side of the body is affected. People with this type are the most ambulatory and may exhibit a limp on the affected side. 
Spastic diplegia is when the lower part of the body (both legs) is affected with normal spasticity to the upper body. Most are ambulatory but may have noticeably affected gait. 
Spastic triplegia is when three limbs of the body are affected. 
Spastic quadriplegia is when both arms and both legs are affected.

There is no cure for cerebral palsy, but numerous treatments exist all designed in some way to weaken the tension and reduce muscle spasm. Some of the more commonly sought treatments include:

Physical Therapy & physiotherapy- one of the most prevalent and important treatments and strengthens muscles to promote healthy bone growth, improve balance and maximize motor function 
Oral medications - muscle relaxers such as diazepam, baclofen, and dantrolene; anticonvulsants such as gabapentin, lamotrigine, and topiramate 
Botox injections - to intentionally weaken the muscles that are over-contracted 
Surgical Procedures - to lengthen muscles 
Electrical Muscle Stimulation - used to simulate proper dual muscle response 
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy - hyper oxygenating a patient to repair aid in the repair, regeneration, and rehabilitation of damaged and non-functioning cells. 
Hippotherapy - the use of horseback riding to facilitate physical, occupational and speech therapy

The goal of any treatment program is to inhibit the effects the disorder has on the body and provide the child with as much mobility and normal functionality as possible, both now and later in life. Thanks in large part to the internet, the amount of resources and sources of information available to families of children with cerebral palsy has mushroomed. Advancements in medicine, technology, and therapies are bringing better and more effective treatments to those afflicted with spastic cerebral palsy.

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Holi Festival Celebration at Trishla Foundation Cerebral Palsy Centre in India

We had an unforgettable memory of celebration of Holi " festival of color & happiness on 25th Feb 2018 at prayag sangeet samiti, Allahabad. Nearly 200 children with Cerebral palsy and their families irrespective of Caste, religion and geographical boundary participated in this celebration of Gulal & flower. A shower of Gulal and flower petal was pouring on our children from all around. Smile on the faces of children and their families was unbelievable. This program was most successful and succeeded in giving happiness to all special families. hundreds of our colleague & friends also join us to give a blessing to our children. Ghujiya, Dhandhi sarbat & different color & taste papad, jalebi, dahi and in the end Tasty lunch gave us more joy. thanks to the whole team of trishla foundation for making this program most successful program so far.

Our Holi Celebration Of Trishla foundation was covered by nearly all Print & Electronic Media beautifully and in a broader aspect. thanks to all media friend for excellent coverage and help us in spreading the message of communal harmony & importance of social integration of our children from Trishla family of Children with cerebral palsy, their parents & trishla Team.